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Ad Muncher 4.9 Build 32300 Final Rus Portable (Русифицирована loginvovchyk!) + Advanced TOR
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Ad Muncher - утилита предназначена для удаления всплывающих окон и баннерной рекламы. Основная особенность - маленький размер. Действует из системной панели, интегрируется фактически со всеми браузерами, а еще устраняет рекламу из ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, iMesh и неких остальных программ.Ad Muncher действует фактически с любыми современными браузерами Internet Explorer, Opera, Firefox, Mozilla и Netscape, и c надстройками над Internet Explorer, таковыми как Maxthon и Avant Browser. Дозволяет тем самым усиливать скорость загрузки страницы и сэкономить трафик. В добавление удаляет баннеры в клиентах: ICQ, Morpheus, Kazaa, Grokster, Опера, PalTalk, iMesh, Bearshare, LimeWire, и т.д. Совместно с програмкой ныне поставляется список с наиболее чем 3200 фильтрами, которые можно обновлять каждые несколько дней.
Advanced TOR (AdvTor) — это клиент для сети Tor, предназначенный для улучшения стандартного комплекта Tor+Vidalia+Polipo для пользователей Windows. Он способен заставлять программы и плагины принудительно использовать прокси-Tor, независимо от его настроек прокси-сервера.Advanced TOR – незаменимый помощник для обновления Ad Muncher
Advanced TOR – программа, не требующая инсталляции (portable).
» Инструкция по использованию Advanced TOR (RUS) прилагаются.
What's New in Ad Muncher: » Finished implementing the new patching system. The new system is a great improvement on the old one, and should result in more reliable and stable connection intercepts. It also fully supports filtering of 64-bit applications (for example, Internet Explorer 64), and will allow us to filter some functions that we couldn't previously. The latter capability is planned to enable Ad Muncher to deal with more system annoyances in the future. » Fixed crash under XP. » Added authenticode signature to the installer and main Ad Muncher program file to help our users tell when the installer has been modified by third parties. » Changed the arrangement of the installer and main program files, resulting in a 5% reduction in installer size and a 59% reduction in installation size. » Improved UAC handling in the installer. » Fixed possible failure to filter content. » Improved XML overlap correction. » Improved error reporting in automatic update system. » Improved error reporting when failing to load hook code into Winsock DLL. » Fixed occasional duplicate license validations when only one is needed. » Fixed incorrect reporting of last program update. » Fixed unnecessary file left behind from old installations when upgrading to v4.9. » Fixed possible failure to correctly hook winsock functions. » Fixed lack of filtering for WebSite-Watcher. » Improved stability of patching system. » Improved video ad replacement. » Improved overlap correction on RSS content. » Several improvements to the installer and uninstaller. » Fixed occasional directory creation errors in the installer. » Rewrote some of the patching functions, minimizing the number of тpatches needed and improving the reliability in several places. » 64-bit patching has been temporarily disabled under Windows XP x64 edition until we can figure out why it's causing some programs to crash. The crash doesn't appear to affect newer versions of Windows. » The installer will now check all parent folders are present when creating new directories, and if not create them. » Small fix to helper script formatting. » Several improvements to the helper script.
Год выпуска: 2010 Платформа: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/Win 7 Интерфейс: Русский Лекарство: Присутствутет Размер: 11.63 Mb